What Causes Halitosis in Pregnant Women?

While not all women get halitosis during pregnancy many do. What causes Halitosis in pregnant women and why do they seem more susceptible to this condition when they are pregnant than when they are not?
Causes of Halitosis in Pregnant Women
There are a number of things that can lead a pregnant woman to having halitosis more often then she did when she was not pregnant. First, she simply may be eating certain foods that cause their breath to smell. Since a pregnant woman cannot use mouth washes because they contain chemicals that could harm the baby, those lingering food smells may be harder to get rid of than normal.
Changes in the body can also result in bad breath due to some significant hormonal changes that are taking place. A pregnant woman may also not be getting enough calcium and so the calcium from her teeth may be going to the meet the babies needs leaving her susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease.
Halitosis can also be a sign of the onset of certain kinds of diseases that need to be treated. No matter what the causes of halitosis in pregnant women if you are someone that is experience this condition there are things you should do.
What to Do If You are Pregnant and Experiencing Halitosis
If you are experiences halitosis more often than normal, the first thing you should do is seek the advice of your doctor and dentist. If your bad breath is caused by the development of an underlying disease your doctor will need to diagnosis and treat it.
If a medical condition is not what causes your halitosis then your dentist might be able to give you the answers or at least some reassurance that your teeth and gums are still healthy and perhaps offer some assistance in finding ways of helping your breath smell good once again.
Treatment for Halitosis in Pregnant Women
If your halitosis is caused by a medical or dental condition following your doctors or dentists advice will be the best way of not only combating this condition but of keeping both you and your unborn infant healthy. While many dental conditions can not be treated as normal due to your pregnancy there are still things your dentist may advise to help keep the condition from getting worse.
The treatment for this condition is going to depend on what causes the halitosis in the first place. You may need to take calcium supplements to supply your body with the extra calcium it needs. Sometimes, your doctor will recommend a change in diet to deal with a medical problem and this may well rid you of that bad breath.
There are things you can do as well. Brush your teeth and tongue more often, drink plenty of water, rinse your mouth with fresh lemon juice or try using an essential oil such as lemon, lime, almond or peppermint oil.

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