Tips to Prevent Bad Breath

·         Drink a plenty of water daily, almost 8- 12 glasses daily, as suggested by many doctors. It eliminates wastes, and toxic molecules from our body. It also flushes down odor producing bacteria from mouth.
·   After you eat, clean the food particles
that stuck in your teeth and gums.
·             Floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Normally adults spend about two to three minutes on brushing and
flossing, and children do even worse, but suitable oral hygiene requires eight to ten minutes of brushing and flossing.
·                      Take a well balanced diet including green vegetables, and fruits daily. It makes your digestive system healthy, and reduces the growth of odor producing bacteria.
·                      Vitamin C is very helpful to protect, and heal your gums from diseases. Vitamin C is present in oranges, lemons, strawberry, cabbage, and grape fruit.
·             Eat crunchy vegetables, such as, carrot, cucumber, carrot apple, and celery. These all make great impact on removing the bad breath.
·           Chewing on parsley also works like an effective instant breath freshener.
·             Eat less meat, and focus on eating vegetables and fruits.
·             Eating yogurt helps to balance the oral bacteria to a healthy level, because, it is rich in acidophilus, thus reduces bad breath.
·             Eat oily and greasy foods in a lesser amount, because, these make a yellow film on your teeth, and create bad breath in mouth.
·           Drink black tea instead of green tea, and coffee. Coffee makes a thin coat on your tongue that blocks the oxygen supply to the tongue, and causes bad breath.
·                      Chew sugarless chewing gum containing extract of mint, which is an instant natural breath freshener. It increases the saliva flow in your mouth.
·             Use mouth wash, when you need it or, when you feel dryness in your mouth, or after having your food.
·             If you use denture, clean it regularly.

Use a mouth wash containing zinc; it can help to block the growth of odor producing oral bacteria.
·   Change your tooth brush after every two months.
·   Go to your dentist twice a year for a complete check up of your mouth.

Don’t let your breath to become a barrier to your personal and professional life. If you want to get rid of it, make a plan and work on it, and you will eventually succeed.

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